华南师范大学生命科学学院教授,广东省珠江学者特聘教授。主要从事环境污染与恢复生态学研究,目前的研究方向包括:极端环境微生物生态、重金属污染生物修复、矿业废弃地生态恢复。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目(含NSFC-广东联合基金重点项目)共3项,以及863项目、农业部重大项目、广东省团队项目、霍英东青年基金优选资助项目等各类项目20余项。在Trends in Microbiology、The ISME Journal、Ecology Letters、Current Opinion in Biotechnology、New Phytologist、Environmental Science and Technology等权威期刊上发表论文SCI论文90余篇,SCI他引2000余次,H-index 30。曾任中山大学生命科学学院教授,副院长、常务副院长,生态与进化学院院长,香港浸会大学自然资源与环境管理研究所荣誉研究员,中国生态学会污染生态专业委员会副主任,中国植物生理学会生物修复专业委员会副主任,广东省生态学会副理事长。申报含授权国家发明专利15项。曾获泰国国王香根草研究奖(2000)、中国高校自然科学二等奖(2001),中国环境科学学会第三届青年科技奖(2002)和教育部新世纪优秀人才(2005)、广东省青年五四奖章等。
1.Chen LX, Huang LN, Méndez-García C, Kuang JL, Hua ZS, Liu J, Shu WS*. (2016). Microbial communities, processes and functions in acid mine drainage ecosystems. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 38: 150–158.
2.Huang LN, Kuang JL, Shu WS*. (2016). Microbial ecology and evolution in the acid mine drainage model system. Trends in Microbiology 24: 581–593.
3.Kuang JL, Huang LN, He ZL, Chen LX, Hua ZS, Jia P, Li SJ, Liu J, Li JT, Zhou J, Shu WS*. (2016). Predicting taxonomic and functional structure of microbial communities in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal 10: 1527–1539.
4.Chen LX, Hu M, Huang LN, Hua ZS, Kuang JL, Li SJ, Shu WS*. (2015). Comparative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses of microbial communities in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal 9: 1579–1592.
5.Hua ZS, Han YJ, Chen LX, Liu J, Hu M, Li SJ, Kuang JL, Chain PSG, Huang LN, Shu WS*. (2015). Ecological roles of dominant and rare prokaryotes in acid mine drainage revealed by metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. The ISME Journal 9: 1280–1294.
6.Li SP, Cadotte MW, Meiners SJ, Hua ZS, Jiang L, Shu WS. (2015). Species colonization, not competitive exclusion, drives community overdispersion over long-term succession. Ecology Letters 18: 964–973.
7.Li SP, Cadotte MW, Meiners SJ, Hua ZS, Shu HY, Li JT, Shu WS*. (2015). The effects of phylogenetic relatedness on invasion success and impact: deconstructing Darwin's naturalization conundrum. Ecology Letters 18: 1285–1292.
8.Chen YT, Li JT, Chen LX, Hua ZS, Huang LN, Liu J, Xu BB, Liao B, Shu WS*. (2014). Biogeochemical processes governing natural pyrite oxidation and release of acid metalliferous drainage. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 5537–5545.
9.Chen LX, Li JT, Chen YT, Huang LN, Hua ZS, Hu M, Shu WS*. (2013). Shifts in microbial community composition and function in the acidification of a lead/zinc mine tailings. Environmental microbiology 15: 2431–2444.
10.Kuang JL, Huang LN, Chen LX, Hua ZS, Li SJ, Hu M, Li JT, Shu WS*. (2013). Contemporary environmental variation determines microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal 7: 1038–1050.